Google News Sitemap

This post is hopefully only  a temporary placeholder for what I want to develop as a complete solution to include a news-site's content in Google News. I at first found the link where Webopius first started the development, but it didn't really work in my case. The module and the article were written in January 2009 and until now, September 2012 much have changed.

I won't include any code yet. But I will provide the following links:
Getting into Google News
Creating a News sitemap
Content types supported by Google News
News sitemaps VS Web sitemaps

Edit: It seems like I was in a hurry. Webopius has actually developed a module hosted in and located at This module is also going to be integrated with the XML sitemap module. Something I think will be best. One module to rule them all.

PS: By the way, my module UC Clear Roles was promoted to a full project a few days ago and you may find it at If you also want to check the roadmap for how it became a full project, you might as well check the project application page. It was a long year but I finally made it!


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